Que. 1
What is a gemstone?
Ans. 2
Any material of organic or inorganic origin having three essential properties
of Beauty, Rarity and Durability (B, R & D) can be considered as a ‘GEM’.
Que. 2
What is gemology?
Ans. 2
As a branch of mineralogy ‘Gemology’ refers to the study of natural, Synthetic,
composite, reconstructed as well as imitation gem materials.
Que. 3
What is a natural gemstone?
Ans. 3
Any gemstone, completely manufacture by the nature (organic/inorganic origin)
is known as natural gemstone.
Que. 4
What is a synthetic gemstone?
Ans. 4
Any gemstone, completely or partially manufacture by human being is known as
synthetic gemstone. The physical and chemical properties and/or their crystal structure
essentially correspond to their natural occurring counterparts (natural gemstones).
Que. 5
What is an imitation stone?
Ans. 5
Imitation stones are completely manufacture by human being. An imitation stone
imitates the colour, phenomenal effect, and appearance of natural/synthetic/composite/reconstructed
gemstone without possessing their physical and chemical properties and/or their
crystal structure.
Que. 6
What is a composite stone?
Ans. 6
Any gemstone, artificially manufacture by Composing/assembling of two or more
natural gemstones/ synthetic gemstones/other minerals/any other material, known
as a composite stone.
Que. 7
What is a reconstructed stone?
Ans. 7
Any gem-material, artificially manufacture by melting/bonding/fusing of chips
or waste of two or more natural gemstones/ synthetic gemstones/other minerals/any
other material, known as a reconstructed stone.
Que. 8
What do you mean by phenomena and phenomenal gemstones?
Ans. 8
Phenomena is an optical effect such as luster, sheen, chatoyancy, schiller,
asterism, aventurescence, etc. It is a result of quantity & quality 0f reflection
of light off and/or below the surface of the gemstone. Many times it increases the
beauty of gemstones which can be seen in natural, synthetic, imitation, composite
as well as in treated gemstones. There are a number of phenomenal gemstones, which
are typically known as only because of their consisting phenomenal effect. E.g.
Moonstone (sheen), Opal (play of colour), Sunstone (aventurescence), Star Ruby/Sapphire
(asterism), etc.
Que. 9
What do you mean by treatment and enhancement?
Ans. 9
Treatment and Enhancements are the trade practice which applied on a wide range
as well as a wide grade of gem materials (natural/synthetic/Imitation/Composite/Reconstructed)
to alter/improve/enhance their colour, luster, transparency, durability and/or phenomena
and consequently their market value.
Que. 10
Define various types of treatments?
Ans. 10
Treatments / enhancements applying in market are as follows:
Sr. No.
Treatment / Enhancement
Coating & Spraying
A thin layer of foreign substance(s) covering the surface of the specimen, which
can be removed and less durable.
- Colourless impregnation
Impregnated with colourless oil / resin.
- Coloured (dyed) impregnation
Impregnated with coloured oil / resin. When concluded – Dyed with red / blue
/ green colour.
Heat Treatment
- No heat
No indications of heat treatment
- Without additives
Indications of heat treatment
- With additives
- Glass filling
Indications of heat treatment and presence of lead(pb) / bismuth / silica
based glass in fissures / cavities.
- Residue healing
Indications of heat treatment and presence of some foreign residue(s) (e.g. borax)
in fissures / cavities.
- Others
Indications of heat treatment and presence of lead(pb) / bismuth / silica
based glass with some foreign residue(s) (e.g. borax) in fissures / cavities.
- Surface colour diffusion
Indications of heat treatment. To modify the body colour of the gemstone a thin
layer of foreign chemical(s) developed just below the surface by applying diffusion
- Surface star diffusion
Indications of heat treatment. The star effect is developed by diffusing a thin
layer of inclusions just below the surface
- Beryllium / Bulk diffusion
Indications of heat treatment with beryllium diffusion. To modify and/or change
the body colour of the gemstone lighter element(s) like beryllium and/or lithium
penetrated in the lattice structure of the gemstone by applying diffusion process.
In all the categories of “DIFFUSION” care should be taken while re-cutting
/ re-polishing the diffusion processed gemstone because re-cutting / re-polishing
may remove its modified colour & phenomenal effects.
Laser drilling
- Unfilled laser drilled hole(s)
Impurities taken out by laser drilling process.
- Filled laser drilled holes
Impurities taken out by laser drilling process and subsequently filled with glass
/ resin.
Que. 11
What is astrology?
Ans. 11
Astrology is the science of studying celestial bodies (planets) and consists
of a number of belief systems. It describes relationship between astronomical phenomenas
and events in the world.
Que. 12
What is the effect of gemstones on our life?
Ans. 12
With some invisible rays its only the VIBGYOR which is making this universe
bright. In nature this beauty is automatically balanced by itself but in human life
it is be possible by using natural gemstones.
Que. 13
What is the relation between gemstone and astrology?
Ans. 13
Given chart is showing the relation between gemstone and astrology:
Sr. No.
Western/ Greek Name
Sanskrit Name
Ruling Planet
Tattva (Element)
Period of Birth
Precious Gemstone
Semi-Precious Gemstone
Aries ("ram")
Mesa (मेष) "ram"
Tejas (Fire)
Cara (Movable)
March 21 - April 20
Red Coral
Garnet / Carnelian
Taurus ("bull")
Vrsabha (वृषभ) "bull"
Prithivi (Earth)
Sthira (Fixed)
April 21 - May 20
Tourmaline/White Coral/ Zircon/ Rock Crystal (Sphetic)
Gemini ("twins")

Mithuna (मिथुन) "twins"
Vayu (Air)
Dvisvabhava (Dual)
May 21 - June 20
Cancer ("crab")

Karkata (कर्कट) "crab"
Jala (Water)
Cara (Movable)
June 21 - July 22
Leo ("lion")

Singha (सिंह) "lion"
Tejas (Fire)
Sthira (Fixed)
July 23 - August 22
Virgo ("virgin")

Kanya (कन्या) "girl"
Prithivi (Earth)
Dvisvabhava (Dual)
August 23 - September 22
Libra ("balance")

Tula (तुला) "balance"
Vayu (Air)
Cara (Movable)
September 23 - October 22
Tourmaline/White Coral/ Zircon/ Rock Crystal (Sphetic)
Scorpio ("scorpion")

Vrshcika (वृश्चिक) "scorpion"
Jal (Water)
Sthira (Fixed)
October 23 - November 21
Red Coral
Garnet / Carnelian
Sagittarius ("archer")

Dhanus (धनुष) "bow"
Tejas (Fire)
Dvisvabhava (Dual)
November 22 - December 21
Yellow Sapphire
Topaz/Citrine/Colourless Sapphire
Capricorn ("goat-horned")

Makara (मकर) "sea-monster"
Prithivi (Earth)
Cara (Movable)
December 22 - January 20
Blue Sapphire
Topaz/Iolite/Lapis Lazuli
Aquarius ("water pourer")

Kumbha (कुम्भ) "pitcher"
Vayu (Air)
Sthira (Fixed)
January 21 - February 19
Blue Sapphire
Topaz/Iolite/Lapis Lazuli
Pisces ("fish")

Mīna (मीन) "fish"
Jal (Water)
Dvisvabhava (Dual)
February 20 - March 20
Yellow Sapphire
Topaz/Citrine/Colourless Sapphire